May 2020 – Three Minute News

Richardson Strong!
Join an effort to promote Richardson unity and to support those less fortunate in this time of need. Show your support by purchasing one of the Richardson Strong! logo items for sale, including signs, decals, T-shirts and hats. All proceeds are donated to the Network of Community Ministries. Network is a non-denominational, community-based organization assisting families in need and serving around 9,000 individuals annually.

Richardson Real Heroes Ceremony Rescheduled
After careful consideration for safety and potential attendance restrictions, the Richardson Real Heroes Awards Ceremony is now rescheduled from June 4th to Thursday, July 30th at 7p.m. at the Richardson Civic Center. Please plan to join us to honor the 2020 Richardson Real Heroes for their contributions to our community and to the organizations they serve.
Note: The Richardson Real Heroes ceremony and awards are funded by The Richardson Coalition, however the Real Heroes committee and selection process are independently run.

2020 Census – It is NOT too late!
The 2020 US Census is still on-going. If you received a census form, please fill it out and mail in or use your code, which is included in your letter, to go on-line and fill it out there. It is short and only takes a few minutes to complete. If you did not receive a form in the mail, then you may receive a visit from a Census taker starting Tuesday, May 26.