January #2 2025 – Three Minute News
Richardson Adopts a Comprehensive Plan
The City of Richardson approved its Comprehensive Plan known as Envision Richardson in November 2024. This was an important action by the City after almost 2 years of public engagement and outreach to formulate the plan.
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan is a document that states a community’s desired vision for the future. It provides guidance for the use of land, the general character of development in the city and the infrastructure needed to support the people and businesses that make up the community. While a comprehensive plan states the community’s vision for the future, it does not constitute zoning regulations or establish zoning district boundaries.
How is a Comprehensive Plan Used?
A comprehensive plan is used to coordinate and guide the future establishment of development regulations. It is used to provide a basis for future zoning decisions. It also helps to guide public investments in transportation and other infrastructure improvements to aid in guiding future development. It is a policy document that includes an implementation plan for use by City staff, and this plan will also provide a fiscal impact analysis.
Why Prepare a Comprehensive Plan?
Texas Local Government Code requires zoning regulations to be adopted in accordance with a comprehensive plan. The current plan was prepared in 2009, and there have been significant changes in Richardson since that time.
What is the Vision Statement for the City?
Richardson is an increasingly dynamic, diverse, and inclusive community with strong neighborhoods and attractive amenities, where people are connected and engaged, decision-making is guided by collaborative input and innovation, and fiscal, social, and natural resources are managed sustainably. It is a safe and livable place with opportunities for people and businesses to grow.
What are the Guiding Principles of the Plan?
The Guiding Principles are ideas that provide guidance to City leaders in making decisions that are aligned with the City’s Vision and help shape the more detailed policies of the plan. Envision Richardson’s Guiding Principles are organized around the following topics which each have its own section covered in the plan:
Future Land Use | Parks, Trails and Open Space |
Transportation and Mobility | Natural Environment |
Community Facilities | Enhancement Areas |
Community Infrastructure | Economic Development |
Neighborhoods and Housing | Implementation |
What will it take for the Plan to be successful?
Many factors will need to be at work for Envision Richardson to be executed successfully:
- Commitment from City leadership
- Coordination with public sector partners on investments in infrastructure and other matters of mutual interest
- Collaboration with private sector partners on development and redevelopment projects
- Evaluation of regulations and processes for barrier to implementing the plan
The City will have major responsibilities in the execution and oversight of the plan. Action items that are of the highest priority should be evaluated carefully so that resources such as funding and staff time can be allocated, work can be programmed, and partnerships established. The City will be responsible for monitoring the plan’s implementation as progress continues and for revising the strategy as needed.
Where can I learn more about the Comprehensive Plan?
Please visit the City’s website: https://envisionrichardson.com/