We are Richardson Proud
The Richardson Coalition is a group of Richardson leaders who believe that our city benefits from experienced and thoughtful elected leadership. We are committed to reinforcing the positive aspects of our community and to addressing Richardson’s challenges with well-informed solutions. The Richardson Coalition is a Political Action Committee focused on promoting and supporting quality candidates for elected city council and mayor positions and on evaluating and recommending positions regarding Richardson bond proposals. We believe in the overall economic progress of our city. We believe in the legacy of excellent Richardson quality of life and our goal is to do what we can to preserve this high standard into the future. Richardson benefits from stable, nonpartisan local elected officials and the Richardson Coalition strives to preserve this strategic advantage for our city.
The Coalition reviews and monitors areas of excellence in our City through its board members’ broad and active participation in Richardson’s activities. While promoting the great things about our City, we also offer input regarding improvement opportunities.
We believe that our city is well managed and we support its efforts to:
Set the example in honest and transparent dealings with constituents.
Represent the City with a positive attitude that brings the City together in a unified approach to meet our needs.
Keep taxes low while balancing the interests of residents and business.
Invest the benefits of our recent major successes in economic development into infrastructure and quality-of-life programs for residents.
Continue the pattern of renewing the city’s infrastructure through no-tax increase bond programs if at all possible.
Continue to improve open and accessible communications with all residents as well as the business community.
Support our city staff, including our Police and Fire Departments, to insure that they have the very best of leadership, personnel, equipment and training, as well as competitive compensation and benefits.
Actively participate and take a leadership role in regional activities to influence matters critical to the success of the City.
The Richardson Coalition is founder of the Richardson Real Hero program where Richardson individuals who provide exemplary service to the Richardson community with little opportunity for recognition are honored annually. The Real Hero program is now an independent stand-alone 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, a wonderful accomplishment for this organization and a proud outgrowth of the Richardson Coalition.
- February 2025 #2 – Three Minute News February 18, 2025
- February 2025 – Richardson Replants February 3, 2025